Indoor Air Quality
Our bodies can be exposed to unwanted contaminates due to 3 various factors, skin contact, eating, and most importantly breathing. Small particles, spores, pollen and mold are measured on what is called a scale of micrometers known as MICRONS.

As an example one single human hair is measured between 5 and 200 microns. Particles smaller than 10 Microns are in fact small enough to enter into our lungs and possibly enter from there into our bloodstream. The affects caused by breathing certain Micronics can and have been related to Reduced lung function, development of bronchitis. Even limited exposure to high levels of contaminated Micronics can aggravate lung disease, cause asthma attacks as well as respiratory infections.
Also in cases concerning individuals with heart disease short term exposure has been associated with heart attacks. Another concern is the exposure to the fecal matter of a dust mite. Where there are human beings, there are DUST MITES, how is this statement true?
A dust mites’ #1 food source is, dead, dry, fallen human skin…. 10% of the weight of a 2 year old pillow can be contributed to fecal matter produced by dust mites, imagine how many live in a mattress that is 10 years old and has never been properly cleaned?How about a 20 year old carpet that has not been regurlaly cleaned at least once a year by a trained professional? Have you ever asked what a cobb web is made of? It is an old spider web filled with human skin particles that have become airborne and caught in the abandoned net of an arachnid. The good news is that we can protect our loved ones by being able to at least control the conditions associated with our INDOOR air environment.
By cleaning and changing all Air filters (according to the manufacturers recommendations), in our HVAC units, air purifiers, and humidifiers, we can be assured we are doing everything possible to protect our family, also any items such as clothing, sheets, and pillow cases properly cleaned and heated in a dryer hotter than 130 degrees will be free from dust mite feces and the high heat will kill them, as well as their eggs…but is there more we can do? Yes…Call POWER DRY and lets evaluate the condition of your indoor environment.
Power Dry can use industrial air exchange and purifying machines to neutralize and contain particulates in the air. Also we can clean all porous materials with a pet and human safe solution that kills dust mites and remove their fecal matter from your home. We also can wipe non porous surfaces from top to bottom in every square inch of your home to create an environment as clean as an operating room in a hospital. We will also set up a maintenance plan for you to assure your home stays clean not only visually, but also MICRONICALLY.
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